Strategy of the Central Research Laboratories, Natural History Museum Vienna
Strategy of the Central Research Laboratories, Natural History Museum Vienna Duration: 12/2024-01/2024 Client: The Natural History Museum Vienna Description: Support was provided to the Department of Central Research Laboratories at the Natural History Museum Vienna...
Process/Implementation Evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
Process/Implementation Evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Duration: 03/2024-03/2025 Client: EUSDR Strategy Point Description: The evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) addresses political commitment, governance and technical...
Technical assistance for the consultation of stakeholders of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region
Technical assistance for the consultation of stakeholders of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region Duration: 06/2024-12/2024 Client: EUSAIR Facility Point Description: M&E Factory GmbH supports the EUSAIR Facility Point of the EU Strategy for the...
INTERACT capacity training on M&E for Macroregional Strategy representatives
INTERACT capacity training on M&E for Macroregional Strategy representatives Duration: 02/2024-12/2024 Client: Interact Office Turku Description: Interact provides capacity-building support to key Macroregional Strategy (MRS) stakeholders, particularly MRS...
Preparation of a capitalisation call – Interreg central Europe
Preparation of a capitalisation call - Interreg central Europe Duration: 04/2024-ongoing Client: Interreg Central Europe Managing Authority, City of Vienna Partner: Rosinak&Partner Description: To develop a tailored capitalisation call for Interreg Central...
Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes SME Support – WP 6
Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes SME Support - WP 6 Duration: 11/2022-ongoing Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy Partner: CSIL SCRL Description: Case study analysis of the ERDF SME support. Case studies have...
Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programme contribution to the European Green Deal – WP 7
Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programme contribution to the European Green Deal - WP 7 Duration: 09/2022-ongoing Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy Partner: COWI A/S, prognos Description: Case study analysis of the...
Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programmes contribution to RTDI – WP 4
Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programmes contribution to RTDI - WP 4 Duration: 05/2023-ongoing Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy Partner: CSIL SCRL Description: Case study analysis of the ERDF contribution to...
Experts of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP
Experts of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2027 Client: European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP Partner: ECORYS Description: M&E country expert for Austria and Germany. The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP ensures the...
Embedding of macro-regional strategies in the Interreg CBC programmes involving Austria
Discussion paper - Embedding of macro-regional strategies in the Interreg CBC programmes involving Austria Duration: 03/2023-06/2023 Client:Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management Partner: Rosinak&Partner Description:...
Ex post evaluation of the European Territorial Cooperation – WP 11
Ex post evaluation of the European Territorial Cooperation - WP11 Duration: 09/2022-ongoing Client: European Commission DG REGIO Partner: COWI, Particip Description: Team leader of the ex post evaluation of the Interreg, ENI CBC and IPA CBC programmes. 56 Interreg...
Evaluation of the URBACT National Practice Transfer Initiative (NPTI)
Evaluation of the National Practice Transfer Initiative (NPTI) Duration: 09/2022-12/2022 Client: URBACT Secretariat Description: This evaluation aimed to assess the main achievements of the five National Practice Transfer Initiatives (NPTI) launched by URBACT in...
DG MARE Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring, Evaluation and Local Support Network 2021-2027
FAMENET - Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring, Evaluation and Local Support NetworkDuration: 01/2022 - 31/2027 Client: European Commission, DG MARE Partner: COFAD, GOPA, DEVNET Description: FAMENET merges the support previously provided by FAME and FARNET in three...
Evaluation Plan Working Paper
Working paper to support the development of evaluation plans in the Member States Duration: 01/2022-12/2022 Client: European Commission DG MARE, FAMENET Description: In accordance with Article 44 of the CPR, each Member State shall draw up an evaluation plan for...
EMFAF Simplified Cost Option Working Paper
Simplified Cost Option Working Paper Duration: 01/2021-12/2021 Client: European Commission DG MARE Description: Elaboration of a working paper for the use of simplified cost options in the European Maritime and Fishery Fund (EMFF). The working paper contains...
SME support monitoring system Moldova
Monitoring system of the new SME development strategy of Moldova Duration: 04/2022-12/2022 Client: European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, EUROPAID Subcontracted by: VAKAKIS AND ASSOCIATES Rural Development Consultants S.A. Description: The agency ODA...
Financing the European Green Transition
Financing the Green DealDuration: 06/2022 Client: LEXXION Description: M&E experts presented an overview of the different financial instruments addressing the green deal and how those are interlinked with each other. The presentation is based on an internal study...
HORIZON EUROPE Mission Evaluation expert
HORIZON EUROPE Missions evaluation expertDuration: 01/2022-02/2022 Client: CINEA Description: The aim of the assignment was to assess the expression of interests by Polish and Czech cities applying for the Climate-neutral and Smart Cities Mission. EU Missions are a...
Evaluation of the EU Grant Projects in Moldova
Evaluation of EU Grant Projects of ODIMMDuration: 11/2021 – 02/2022 Client: European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, EUROPAID Subcontracted by: VAKAKIS AND ASSOCIATES Rural Development Consultants S.A. Description: The direct grant scheme programme was...
Evaluation of the Austrian Forest strategy
Evaluation of the Austrian Forest StrategyDuration: 10/2021 - 12/2022 Client: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) Partner: WIFO Austrian Research Institute Description: The evaluation examines the Austrian Forest Dialogue and the Austrian...
Restarting post-COVID cultural tourism in Adriatic Ionian Region
Restarting post-COVID cultural tourism in the Adriatic Duration: 07-12/2021 Client: University of Basilicata Description: The Project THEMATIC financed by Interreg ADRION programme, aims to create capacity for innovation in the field of sustainable and accessible...
Technical assistance on Strategic Environmental Assessments – Tessim
Technical assistance on Strategic Environmental Assessments - TessimDuration: 06/2021 – ongoing Client: European Commission DG DEVCO Partner: Particip GmbH Description: The multiannual TESIM project provides technical support to the implementation and management of...
Evaluation of the Regional Innovation Strategy, Greece
Evaluation of the RIS strategy 2014-2020, West Macedonia, GreeceDuration: October 2021-April 2022 Client: Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programme West Macedonia 2014-2020 Partner: Innovatia Systems Ltd Description: M&E Factory, in cooperation...
IPA III CBC Montenegro-Kosovo 2021-2027
Preparation of the 2021-2027 IPA III CBC programme document for the cross-border region Montenegro–Kosovo Duration: 08/2020 – 07/2021 Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Description: M&E Factory experts prepared the situation...
Evaluation of the Rural Development Programme, diversification measure in Austria
Creation and development of short supply chains and local markets and supporting outletsDuration: 11/2020 – 06/2021 Client: Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism Cooperation with: WIFO Description: Evaluation of type of operation 16.4.1...
Impact evaluation of the SME Strategy of Moldova
Evaluation of the results of the Moldovian SME-Strategy 2012-2020Duration: 03/2020 - 06/2020 Client: VAKAKIS & ASSOCIATES S.A in consortium with IDI Ltd (Technical Assistance financed by the EU) Description: The SME-Strategy was subject of an impact evaluation...
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Interreg Programme AT-HU 2021-2027
Strategic environmental assessment of the Interreg Programme AT-HU 2021-2027Duration: 03/2021 - ongoing Client: Managing Authority of the IP AT-HU programme Description: Development of the strategic environmental assessment of the programme, this includes the scoping...
ENI CBC MED NEXT Programme 2021-2027
Support of the ENI CBC Med Programme 2021-2027Duration: 06/2020 - ongoing Client: Managing Authority MED CBC Programme Description: M&E Factory experts (Christine Hamza and Angelos Sanopoulos) supported the development of the MED NEXT programme strategy 2021-2027...
ARGE Donauländer Strategy
ARGE Donauländer Strategy developmentDuration: 07/2020 - 12/2020 Client: Lower Austria regional governance, Department LAD 4 Description: Development of a strategy for the Working Community of the Danube regions. This network has been launched in the 1980ies of the...
Project evaluation DigiMe ATCZ216
Project evaluation DigiMe AT-CZ 216Duration: 12/2020 - ongoing Client: Europabüro Wien Partner: 3s research laboratory, HaskoningDHV Description: The project aims to prepare students and teachers in Austria and the Czech Republic for the digital challenges of the...
Interreg SK-AT 2021-2027 programme preparation
Elaboration of the Interreg Slovakia-Austria cooperation programme 2021-2027 Duration: 07/2020 - ongoing Client: Verwaltungsbehörde Interreg SK-AT Partner: mecca - Ingenieurbüro für Raum- und Landschaftsplanung, Consulting Associates Description: Elaboration of the...
Implementation of the roadworthiness package
Study on the implementation of the roadworthness package Duration: 03/2020 - 09/2020 Client: European Parliament Partner: TRT (Trasporti e Territorio), OIR, Arcadia International Description: The purpose of this European implementation assessment is to check whether...
Interret AT-HU 2021-2027 Programme preparation
Programme preparation of the cooperation programme Interreg Austria-Hungary 2021-2027 Duration: 12/2019 - ongoing Client: Managing Authority Interreg AT-HU - Regionalmanagement Burgenland Partner: mecca consulting Description:Support in the programme preparation of...
ESPON Territorial Impact Assessment for Cross-Border Cooperation
ESPON Territorial Impact Assessment for Cross-Border CooperationDuration: 07/2018 - 10/2019 Client: ESPON Partner: ÖIR GmbH Description: The objective of the study was to develop and test a methodology specifically tailored to assess ex-post territorial impacts of CBC...
Facility for the European Neighbourhood Instrument cross border cooperation programmes at the EU external borders
Facility for the European Neighbourhood Instrument cross border cooperation programmes at the EU external borders.Duration: 08/2019 - ongoing Client: European Commission DG DEVCO Partner: Particip GmbH Description: The multiannual TESIM project provides technical...
The role of fishery and aquaculture Producer Organisations in the food supply chain
The role of fishery and aquaculture Producer Organisations in the food supply chainDuration: 08/2019 – ongoing Client: European Commission, DG Mare, EASME Partner: Coffey International Development Description: The pilot project analyses the role of fishery and...
EMFF DE 2021-2027 Strategic Environmental Assessment
Strategic Environmental Assessment EMFF DE 2021-2027 Duration: 09/2019 – ongoing Client: German Managing Authority EMFF Partner: COFAD GmbH Germany Description: M&E Factory as a partner is responsible for the Strategic Environmental Assessment. Tasks include the...
Discussion paper – Austrian transnational cooperation potential
Discussion paper Transnational cooperation Duration: 10/2019 - 01/2020 Client: Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism Partner: Rosinak&Partner ZT GmbH Description: Development of a discussion paper addressing transnationally relevant cooperation...
Interreg AT-HU 2014-2020 Impact evaluation
Evaluation of the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme Interreg V-A Austria Hungary Duration: 07/2019 - 05/2020 Client: Managing Authority Interreg AT-HU - Regionalmanagement Burgenland Partner: Rosinak und Partner ZT GmbH, MultiContact Consulting...
Interreg AT-CZ 2021-2027 programme preparation
Programme preparation of the cooperation programme INTERREG AT - CZ 2021-2027Duration: 05/2019 - 12/2021 Client: Managing Authority Interreg AT-CZ - Niederösterreichische Landesregierung Partner: Vychodoceska rozvojova GmbH Description: Support in the programme...
Interreg AT-HU 2014-2020 process evaluation
Evaluation of the efficiency of the programme´s structure and process and the evaluation of the communication strategy Duration: 06/2018 - 04/2019 Client: Verwaltungsbehörde Interreg AT-HU - Regionalmanagement Burgenland Partner: MultiContact Consulting Kft....
EMFF AT 2014 – 2020 Process and impact evaluation
Process and effectiveness evaluation EMFF 2014-2020 Austria Duration: 04/2018 - 05/2019 Client: Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism Partner: Metis GmbH Description: Evaluation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014 - 2020 in Austria, The...
ESPON European and Macro-regional Territorial Monitoring Tool
European and Macro-regional Territorial Monitoring Tool Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2019 Client: ESPON Partner: MCRIT Spain. Metis GmbH Austria Description: The aim is to develop a European and macro-regional territorial monitoring tool to continuously observe the...
DG Mare, EASME Sustainable development of the blue economy
Study to support investment for the sustainable development of the blue economy Duration: 01/2018 - 06/2018 Client: European Commission, DG Mare, EASME Partner: Metis GmbH Description: The objective of this work is to provide the grounds for setting up an investment...
Study on Macroregional Strategies and their Links with Cohesion Policy
Study on Macroregional Strategies and their Links with Cohesion Policy Duration: 01/2017 - 12/2017 Client: European Commission, DG Regio Partner: COWI Denmark Description: The European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy intends to undertake...
Technical Assistance for the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014-2020
FAME – Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring and Evaluation under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Duration: 01/2015 - 12/2021 Client: European Commission, DG MARE Partner: COFAD Consultants for Fishery, Aquaculture and Regional Development, Germany...
Austrian rural development programme 2014-2020 process and impact evaluation
Austrian rural development programme evaluation 2014-2020 Duration: 06/2016 - 10/2017, 06/2018 - 05/2019 Client: Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism Partner: Metis GmbH. Austria Description: 1st and 2nd stage of the ongoing evaluation of specific...
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-2020 Project assessment
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Project assessment Duration: 07/2016 - 02/2017 Client: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Description: Quality assessment of project proposals submitted in response to the second call for proposals under the Central Europe programme 2014-2020....
URBACT III external expert panel chair
URBACT III external expert panel chair Duration: 06/2015 - 10/2017 Client: URBACT Description: Chair of the External Expert Panel for the project evaluation of the Implementation Networks and Action planning networks call under URBACT III, Responsible for the...
HORIZON 2020 project assessments Mobility for Growth
HORIZON 2020 project assessment - Mobility for Growth Duration: 2016 - 2017 Client: European Commission DG Research Description: HORIZON 2020 evaluation of research projects 1st stage of the two stage call 'Mobility for Growth', MG-4.1-2017: Increasing the take up and...
Transport logistic centre Vukovar
Transport logistic centre Vukovar Duration: 01/2015-10/2016 Client: County Vukovar-Srijem, Croatia Description: Preparation of a pre-feasibility study for the development of a logistic centre in Vinkovci, Croatia, Location and market analysis • Social economic...