Christine Hamza
Has 20 years of experience in EU cohesion and innovation policy, regional development, city planning, climate change and energy efficiency. She is also the expert for the planning and management of large scale development projects
During her career Christine has worked with ministries, regional authorities, the European Commission (DG REGIO, DG RESEARCH, DG EMPL, DG AGRI and DG MARE) and the European Parliament. Working with different types of authorities lead to her experience in addressing regional and local development projects from the policy side as well as from the development side.
She has conducted feasibility studies for several location and real estate projects in CEE and written several assessment studies about the impact of cohesion and innovation policy of the European Union in its member states.
Christine has profound experience in programming, monitoring and evaluation of EU funding programmes. She was involved in the programme preparation 1999-2006, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 and is currently involved in the preparation of the programming period 2021-2028.
Christine earned a degree as a landscape ecologist in 1996 and another in economics (MBA) in 2004. Native in German and fluent in English and Spanish she also commands basic French.
She has launched M&E Factory 2015 together with Angelos Sanopoulos.

Angelos Sanopoulos
Has 20 years of experience in EU-funded programmes. He is the expert for technical assistance in the programming cycle, strategic environmental assessment and proposal evaluation in a broad array of thematic fields.
Through his activities for ministries and universities Angelos offers hands-on experience in quantitative and qualitative data research, policy formulation, operational planning, monitoring, impact analysis and evaluation for all EU structural funds.
He has worked on numerous evaluation projects and research studies for the European Commission including DG AGRI, REGIO and EMPL. Also for the Evaluation Heldpesk of DG AGRI, the Monitoring and Evaluation Support Unit of DG MARE and as a lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology.
Angelos finished university with a MSc in Urban and Regional Planning, one in Geo-Information Systems and Sciences and another one in Environmental Planning. Fluent in English, German and Greek he also commands basic Bulgarian, Italian and Spanish.
He has launched M&E Factory 2015 together with Christine Hamza.

Andreas has been an evaluator of EU Structural Fund programs for over 20 years and has many years of experience as a manager of complex INTERREG projects.
Recent work in cross-border cooperation includes programming the Transnational Danube Region Program 2014-2020 and programming the cross-border cooperation program Slovakia-Austria 2014-2020. Since the beginning of 2016, he has been an expert in the “AGROPOL pilot project”, which is about developing a European model region for cross-border agriculture. Andreas Resch was project manager for the programming of the IWB program Vienna 2014-2020 (ERDF) and was significantly involved in the development of the partnership agreement for Austria for the 2014-2020 program period – STRAT.AT.
He is currently team leader in the evaluation of the INTERREG DE-CZ program. Since 2012 he has been giving a lecture on “System analysis and simulation in site and project evaluation” at the Vienna University of Technology, Department of Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy.
Andreas earned a degree as a landscape ecologist in 1992. Native in German and fluent in English.

Elona Goma
Elona Goma has been actively involved in the implementation and evaluation of national and international projects focused on local and regional development, entrepreneurship, development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and smart specialization strategies. Elona has worked with different national, international and EU institutions in Albania, Mexico, Spain and currently in Vienna, Austria.
She has hands-on experience and expertise in planning, managing, implementing and evaluating various EU projects and programmes including cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes such as Interreg IPA CBC and ADRION programmes, among others.
Before moving to Vienna, she also worked as an adjunct professor and was a member of two national evaluation committees that assessed business applications for Innovation and Competitiveness funds in Albania, aiming at providing financial and technical support to businesses and boosting the competitiveness of the economy.
Elona Goma has participated in many international events and conferences focused on territorial development, entrepreneurship and innovation in Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, Mexico, etc.
She holds two Master’s degrees in Competitiveness and Innovation and in Auditing and Accounting. She is native in Albanian, fluent in English and Spanish and has a good knowledge of Italian, French and German.

Filip Bojic
Filip has earned his bachelor’s degree in the field of Political Science and International Relations at the Charles University in Prague, and he is currently finishing his master’s degree in European Studies – Management of EU Projects at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. In his studies, he has the chance to learn about EU-funded programmes both from policy and project management perspective. That is why he finds the work with M&E Factory in programming, monitoring, and evaluation of EU funding programmes exciting.
His prior experience in various political institutes helped him to sharpen his research, analytical and organization skills. He is native in Serbian and Czech, fluent in English, German, Italian. He also commands basic Russian. Filip is passionate about external relations of the EU, defence, and EU cooperation programmes in pre-accession countries and neighbourhood.

Julia Fleischhacker
Julia supports us in project assistance in a wide range of activities. She is currently studying for her bachelor’s degree in the field of economics and social sciences at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Julia has already quite a knowledge in the field of economics and enjoys being able to put the theoretical knowledge she acquired during her studies into everyday practice.
What she finds particularly exciting about the work with M&E Factory is that she is involved in a wide range of different tasks and projects. Julia constantly benefits from learning new skills and abilities on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, she has already developed a great amount of interest in our field of activity

Petra Pichler
Petra has several years of experience in administrative and technical coordination of public tenders at national and EU level.
Petra is M&E Factory office manager since November 2022, supporting us with the administration of projects and in the tendering and proposal process.
Native in German Petra is also fluent in English. She has a certificate in Project Management pma/IPMA Level D.