Ex post evaluation of the European Territorial Cooperation – WP11
Duration: 09/2022-ongoing
Client: European Commission DG REGIO
Partner: COWI, Particip
Description: Team leader of the ex post evaluation of the Interreg, ENI CBC and IPA CBC programmes.
- 56 Interreg cross border cooperation (CBC),
- 15 Transnational programmes (TN),
- 4 Interregional programmes,
- 17 European Neighbourhood Initiative ENI CBC programmes and
- 15 Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) CBC programmes in Europe.
The evaluation is based on five theory of change models, one for each policy instrument. The evaluation addresses internal as well as external factors the programmes are dealing with and the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added value the programmes achieved.
During the evaluation 5 case studies were elaborated, one for each policy instrument, analysing in total 29 programmes.
Additionally, the evaluation provided policy fiches, country fiches and a cookbook for future programme management and interventions in European Territorial Cooperation.