Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programme contribution to the European Green Deal – WP 7
Duration: 09/2022-ongoing
Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy
Partner: COWI A/S, prognos
Description: Case study analysis of the ERDF contribution to the European Green Deal. Case studies have been elaborated for Austria, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Spain.
The case studies contain the following elements:
- assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and EU added value of the funded policy instruments and the forms of financing;
- develop further the theory of change of the identified policy instruments and present where, how and why these interventions work effectively and where, how and why they do not and whether there is an identifiable direct impact associated with them, as well as other secondary impacts and spill-over effects;
- identify and describe the specific investments in the selected Member States made during the period 2014-20 and their rationale, including for example how the policy instruments fit into the policy mix, given any applicable national or regional strategies, the coherence of ERDF and CF support with other EU or national support programmes;
- analyse the reliability of the climate tracking mechanism;
- on the basis of the available information, identify and explain whether the COVID crisis had an impact on the use of policy instruments, including in terms of available financial allocations;
- test the theory through quantitative and qualitative methods;
- examine the role of relevant framework conditions.