von chamza | Aug. 4, 2022 | Financial management
Financing the Green Deal Duration: 06/2022 Client: LEXXION Description: M&E experts presented an overview of the different financial instruments addressing the green deal and how those are interlinked with each other. The presentation is based on an internal study...
von chamza | Nov. 27, 2021 | Monitoring and evaluation
Evaluation of the Austrian Forest Strategy Duration: 10/2021 – 12/2022 Client: Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) Partner: WIFO Austrian Research Institute Description: The evaluation examines the Austrian Forest Dialogue and the...
von chamza | Nov. 27, 2021 | Strategy development, Technical assistance
Restarting post-COVID cultural tourism in the Adriatic Duration: 07-12/2021 Client: University of Basilicata Description: The Project THEMATIC financed by Interreg ADRION programme, aims to create capacity for innovation in the field of sustainable and accessible...
von chamza | Nov. 27, 2021 | Pre-accession and neighbouring countries, Strategic environmental assessment, Technical assistance
Technical assistance on Strategic Environmental Assessments – Tessim Duration: 06/2021 – ongoing Client: European Commission DG DEVCO Partner: Particip GmbH Description: The multiannual TESIM project provides technical support to the implementation and...
von chamza | Nov. 27, 2021 | Monitoring and evaluation, Strategy development
Evaluation of the RIS strategy 2014-2020, West Macedonia, Greece Duration: October 2021-April 2022 Client: Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programme West Macedonia 2014-2020 Partner: Innovatia Systems Ltd Description: M&E Factory, in cooperation...