von Petra Pichler | Nov. 20, 2023 | Monitoring and evaluation, Policy studies and assessments
Ex post Evaluation of the Cohesion Policy Programme contribution to the European Green Deal – WP 7 Duration: 09/2022-ongoing Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy Partner: COWI A/S, prognos Description: Case study analysis of...
von chamza | Aug. 4, 2022 | Financial management
Financing the Green Deal Duration: 06/2022 Client: LEXXION Description: M&E experts presented an overview of the different financial instruments addressing the green deal and how those are interlinked with each other. The presentation is based on an internal study...
von chamza | Aug. 4, 2022 | Project assessment
HORIZON EUROPE Missions evaluation expert Duration: 01/2022-02/2022 Client: CINEA Description: The aim of the assignment was to assess the expression of interests by Polish and Czech cities applying for the Climate-neutral and Smart Cities Mission. EU Missions are a...