von Petra Pichler | Nov. 20, 2023 | Cohesion policy programme preparation, Monitoring and evaluation, Policy studies and assessments
Ex post Evaluation of Cohesion Policy Programmes SME Support – WP 6 Duration: 11/2022-ongoing Client: European Commission, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy Partner: CSIL SCRL Description: Case study analysis of the ERDF SME support. Case studies...
von chamza | Aug. 4, 2022 | Monitoring and evaluation, Pre-accession and neighbouring countries, Technical assistance
Monitoring system of the new SME development strategy of Moldova Duration: 04/2022-12/2022 Client: European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, EUROPAID Subcontracted by: VAKAKIS AND ASSOCIATES Rural Development Consultants S.A. Description: The agency ODA...
von chamza | März 5, 2022 | Monitoring and evaluation, Pre-accession and neighbouring countries
Evaluation of EU Grant Projects of ODIMM Duration: 11/2021 – 02/2022 Client: European Union Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, EUROPAID Subcontracted by: VAKAKIS AND ASSOCIATES Rural Development Consultants S.A. Description: The direct grant scheme programme was...
von chamza | Juni 29, 2021 | Monitoring and evaluation, Pre-accession and neighbouring countries
Evaluation of the results of the Moldovian SME-Strategy 2012-2020 Duration: 03/2020 – 06/2020 Client: VAKAKIS & ASSOCIATES S.A in consortium with IDI Ltd (Technical Assistance financed by the EU) Description: The SME-Strategy was subject of an impact...